Wednesday, 17 October 2012

How to Reduce Rainy Season Medical Expenses?

Rainy Season is where one can see more crowds in hospitals and it is also a great season for hospitals. So Following few health tips prevent oneself from rainy season illness which in turn also reduces the rainy season ill expenses.

Having Appropriate Rain Gears 
Have all the rain gears that are essential. Some of them are umbrella, rain coat, rain jacket and waterproof shoes. Have the rain gear that suits you and reduce the risk of getting sick 

Reduce smoking or avoid smoking 
In rainy season, smoke may give temporary reliefs, but it weakens the person respiratory system. So try to avoid smoking or at least try to minimize it. 

Drink Hot water and avoid unhygienic food
Consuming hot water gives your body some warmth and it provides some instant relief throughout the body through better blood circulation. Avoid eating the street side foods and go for hygienic food items rather than having stale food 

Clean hands
Clean your hands regularly since the cold virus can enter our body any time by having dirty hands. Clean your hands often and keep yourself safe 

Limit your alcohol Intake 
Hydration is what we need to maintain in rainy season and limiting alcohol intake prevents you from dehydration and improve your rate of recovery

Note: if you feel that your mind is clouded and body is weakening, try to stop these symptoms by doing some physical exercises. Through exercises, sweating comes and it helps you to sweat out the symptoms and make your free from feeling sick.


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